Category Archives: Internet Explorer 7

Getting Started with the Windows 7 Core (Host) Development Environments

Here are some useful and free developer tools to get started with the setup of your Windows 7 development environments. Continue reading

Posted in .Net Reflector, 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64), Developer Tools, Development Environments, Differencing Disk, Fiddler2, Flash Player "Square", Host Operating Systems, IE DevBar, Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 9, ISO Recorder, MezerTools, Miscosoft Office Sharepoint Services (MOSS), MOSS 2007, MOSS 2010, Paint.Net, SharePoint, SharePoint (WSS), SharePoint Foundation 2010, Sysinternals Suite, Virtual Clone Drive, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VPI), Virtual Guest Operating Systems, Virtualization, VSeWSS, Win7, Windows, Windows 7, Windows 7 (Win7), Windows 7 Development Environments, Windows Virtual PC (VPC), WSPBuilder, XP-More | Leave a comment

Microsoft Windows 7 Development, Testing and Upgrade Considerations

Recent surveys suggest more and more companies are adopting Windows 7 and upgrading/replacing legacy ERP systems, rather then just stretching out what they have. Continue reading

Posted in 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64), Development Environments, Garter, Hyper-V, Hyper-V, Inc, Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Office 2010, Miscosoft Office Sharepoint Services (MOSS), MOSS 2007, MOSS 2010, RedmondMag, SharePoint, SharePoint (WSS), SharePoint Foundation 2010, Spending Forecasts, SQL Server, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server Developer Edition, Virtualization, Visual Studio, Visual Studio 2003, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2010, Win 7 Guides, Win 7 Setup, Win7, Windows, Windows 7, Windows 7 (Win7), Windows 7 Developer Guides, Windows 7 Development Environments, Windows 7 Trainng Kits, Windows XP Development Environments, WSS 2.0 | Leave a comment